Migration News
The latest news on visas and immigration in Australia

The COVID-19 pandemic event visa for when you’re out of options
If you have run out of options and are unable to return home, it’s worth seeing if you’re eligible for the COVID-19 pandemic event visa.

Australia is in lockdown but applying for a partner visa means you don’t need to be locked out!
Don’t panic about your visa expiring. The onshore partner visa might save you from having to leave Australia during the COVID-19 crisis.

The regional visa might be the solution to your immigration problem
If your immigration pathways are blocked because of your occupation or because you are looking to settle in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, you might have to think regional. See why the new regional visas might be your saving grace!

What’s next for international students after graduation?
For many international students, the end of their studies in Australia means the prospect of returning to their home country to be reunited with their family and loved ones. For others, it may be an opportunity to see what pathways are available for them to gain further work experience in Australia.

The global village within Australia
Migrating to a new country can be exciting yet frightening! Thankfully, there are a large number of community groups, cultural associations and networks to help you transition and settle into your new life in Australia.

Changes to the partner visa sponsorship process
A recently introduced law requiring the sponsor of a partner visa applicant to be approved first is set to have significant impacts on the application process. We summarise what these changes are and how it will impact those who want to apply for a partner visa.

Health checks and visa applications
A health check is a key requirement for many temporary and permanent visa applications. There are different types of health checks depending on the nationality of the visa applicant, their length of stay or their intended activity in Australia.

"Populate or perish?" Analysing Australia's migration intake
Have you noticed in recent times that immigration and citizenship has dominated Australia's news and current affairs? Ever wondered what Australia's current immigration levels really are? In this article, we break down some of the key statistics on partner visa migration.

Supplying the right documents for a visa or sponsorship application
So many visa and sponsorship applications are refused because of a lack of adequate supporting documentation. The key is having the right documents to show that you meet the requirements.